
Kudowa Zdrój situated in the picturesque  mountain terrain is a prefect starting point for trekking and tourist trips. One of the greatest and closest  attractions are the Stołowe Mountains, the only in Poland platy mountains. Because of unique nature values of rock forms and flora and fauna species most of the area was protected within the borders of the Stołowe Mountains National Park founded in 1993. The area of the park is 6340 hectares. Szczeliniec Wielki and Mały, Błędne Skały, Skalne Grzyby (Rock Mushrooms) are the most attractive points.

You can see there great crevices, steep rocks, fantastic stone forms resembling people or animals, clubs, mushrooms, labyrinths, tunnels and many more interesting shapes petrified for ever. Less knows and seldom visited places are Radkowskie Rocks and White Rocks. One of the most important places on the south of the Stolowe Mountains is Bukowina, once a separate town, now a street of Kudowa Zdrój. The history of Bukowina dates back to 1477. There we can find Orlik- rehabilitation and hematology centre for children known and highly estimated both in Poland and abroad. From Bukowina you can see the Karkonosze range together with Śnieżka and the Sowie Mountains, Broumowskie Steny and Orlickie Mountains.

Meadow and peat bog vegetation is an interesting wealth of the Stolowe Mountains. In the autumn the meadows of Łężyckie Rocks remind us of savannah landscapes from Africa. Many rare and protected plants can be found here, for example autumn crocus, Klodzko rose, mountain tobacco and several kinds of orchids. In the Stolowe Mountains there is a place the only one in Poland, where we can meet a very special plant-saxifrage.

On the area of the National Park you can also meet many animals: roe-deer, deer, fox, wild boar. Rare species met here are: black stork, sparrow hawk, eagle owl and two small mammals: fat dormouse and dormouse.

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